Jo, Sungho
Professor/School of Computing, KAIST
Director/KAIST Center for Ambitious Failure (KAIST 실패연구소)
Associated Professor/School of Electrical Engineering/Department of Semiconductor System Engineering, KAIST
Associated Professor/KAIST Robotics Program
Associated Professor/KAIST Institute for Health Science and Technology (KI HST)
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– Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, MIT 2006.
– S.M. in Mechanical Engineering, MIT 2001.
– B.S. in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering , Seoul Nat’l Univ. 1999.
Sungho Jo received the B.S. degree in school of mechanical & aerospace engineering from the Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1999, the S.M. in mechanical engineering, and Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA, in 1999 and 2006 respectively. While pursuing the Ph.D., he was associated with the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), Laboratory for Information Decision and Systems (LIDS), and Harvard-MIT HST NeuroEngineering Collaborative. Before joining the faculty at KAIST, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at MIT media laboratory. Since December in 2007, he has been with School of Computing at KAIST, where he is currently Full Professor. He is associated with KAIST Institute for Health Science and Technology. He is also an associated professor of KAIST Robotics Program as well as School of Electrical Engineering. His research interests include Robotic Intelligence, Augmented Intelligence, Neuro-Hybrid Intelligence, etc.
Research Interests
– Intelligent Robotics, Deep Robotic Learning
– Wearable Intelligence
– Neuro-Hybrid Intelligence; Brain-Computer Interface
– Healthcare Intelligence