We develop an ultra-sensitive skin-like sensor that discovers previously undetectable signals far from the joint, assisted by a deep neural network that deciphers patterns within the signals. By utilizing a single sensor capable of extracting signals from multiple areas rather than pinpointing every joint and muscle, we avoid impracticality and provide a more efficient method to understanding the human body.We also propose a concrete theoretical model which discloses the relation between sensor performance and the laser-induced nanoscale crack junctions, thereby facilitating manipulation. Laser fabrication enables a focused sensor patterning, with the sensor conformably attached to the epidermis while achieving high sensitivity. A single deep learned sensor decode finger motions in a real-time demonstration with a virtual 3D hand that mirrors the original motions. This work is collaboration with Prof. Seung Hwan Ko’s group from Mechanical Engineering at Seoul National University.

[피부형 센서 패치 관련 기사들]


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